Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Vibration meters and laser centering tools.
Vibration is present in almost all types of industrial equipment. When the vibration exceeds the permissible level, it can be either a sign of natural wear, or a signal of the presence of other causes, such as shaft misalignment, and signal the need to check and take appropriate measures.

Vibration meter FLUKE 810 .
Vibration meter FLUKE 810 it is the most modern diagnostic device for instant measurement during maintenance of mechanical equipment. The unique diagnostic technology allows you to quickly identify mechanical malfunctions and the priority of their elimination, allowing you to feel like an expert in vibration analysis.

Vibrometer FLUKE 805 .
Vibrometer FLUKE 805 — the most reliable device for determining the vibration level for shop crews for the search and elimination of mechanical malfunctions, which require reliable results of regular measurements of the overall vibration level and the condition of bearings.

LED Strobe Light FLUKE 820-2 .
It may not be easy to determine the speed of the rotating equipment, but the LED strobe light FLUKE 820-2 simplifies this process by allowing the mechanism to be diagnosed without actually stopping or contacting the machine.

Laser Shaft Centering tool FLUKE 830 .
Unlike a ruler or dial indicators, FLUKE 830 performs complex centering calculations, that is, allows you to get the necessary answers for quickly centering the machine and maintaining the operation of the enterprise.


All FLUKE products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant FLUKE: electrical measuring devices, electrical installation testers, current measuring pliers, thermal imagers, thermometers, calibrators, portable oscillographs, laser levelers and rangefinders, digital multimeters, IR windows, resistance and grounding meters, power quality analyzers
  • Wireless communication systems FLUKE
    Wireless communication systems
    Fluke Connect, etc.
  • Electrical Testers FLUKE
    Electrical Testers
    Fluke 114, 1AC-II, 2042, 9040, etc.
  • Digital multimeters FLUKE
    Digital multimeters
    Fluke 17B, 279, 1587/1577, 280, etc.
  • Current measuring tongs FLUKE
    Current measuring tongs
    Fluke 323, 355, 772, 116/323, etc.
  • Electrical installation testers FLUKE
    Electrical installation testers
    FLUKE 1662, 1663, 1664 FC , etc .
  • Thermometers FLUKE
    Fluke 59, VT04, 50 II, FoodPro, etc.
  • Electricity Analyzers FLUKE
    Electricity Analyzers
    Fluke 345, 437, VR1710, 1730, etc.
  • Wireless meters FLUKE
    Wireless meters
    Fluke CNX 3000, i3000 iFlex, etc.
  • Vibration and centering FLUKE
    Vibration and centering
    Fluke 805, 810, 820-2, 830, etc.
  • Thermal imagers FLUKE
    Thermal imagers
    Fluke TiS10, Ti480, TiX500, etc.
  • Ex Products FLUKE
    Ex Products
    Fluke 568 Ex, 28 II Ex, 721Ex, etc.
  • Devices for ventilation FLUKE
    Devices for ventilation
    Fluke 922, 561, CO-220, PV350, etc.
  • Portable oscilloscopes FLUKE
    Portable oscilloscopes
    Fluke ScopeMeter 125, 128, 190, etc.
  • Grounding meters FLUKE
    Grounding meters
    Fluke 1621, 1625-2 GEO, 1630, etc.
  • Resistance meters FLUKE
    Resistance meters
    Fluke 1507/1503, 1587/1577, etc.
  • IR windows FLUKE
    IR windows
    Fluke CV200, CV400, CLKT, etc.
  • Process calibrators FLUKE
    Process calibrators
    Fluke 712B, 705, 753, 717, 700G, etc.
  • Laser rangefinders FLUKE
    Laser rangefinders
    Fluke 414D, 419D, 424D, etc.
  • Laser levels FLUKE
    Laser levels
    Fluke 180LR, 180LG, 3PR, LDR, etc.
  • Accessories FLUKE
    cables, sensors, terminals, etc.
  • Software FLUKE
    FlukeView, DMS Software, etc.
  • Discontinued FLUKE
    Fluke Ti125, Ti105, TiR125, etc.


FLUKE CORPORATION (USA) is a world leader in the manufacture, sale and service of electronic measuring instruments and related software.

    FLUKE takes the first or second place in all segments of the market of unique technologies for testing and troubleshooting.
  • reliability

    FLUKE devices ensure uninterrupted production around the world in various industries: from industrial installations to precision measurements and quality control.

    FLUKE brand products have a reputation for compact, reliable, safe, easy to operate and high-quality equipment.

Information Board FLUKE

Learn more about our products FLUKE.
  • Price list for завода FLUKE equipment
    Price list for FLUKE equipment
  • FLUKE Equipment Catalog из каталога FLUKE
    FLUKE Equipment Catalog


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