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Multifunctional calibrators.
These field and desktop calibrators generate, simulate and measure pressure, temperature and electrical signals with exceptional accuracy. They allow you to automate calibration procedures, save data, and even calibrate devices compatible with the HART protocol and troubleshoot them.
Models: FLUKE 753, FLUKE 754, FLUKE 726, FLUKE 725/ 725Ex, FLUKE 725B, FLUKE 7526 (A).

Current loop calibrators.
Current loop calibrators are an indispensable device for calibration specialists, and we are pleased to offer you exactly what you need. You can choose from three different models depending on your accuracy or intrinsic safety needs. Each of the models is distinguished by a rich set of functions and ease of operation and reading.
Models: FLUKE 705, FLUKE 707, 707Ex, FLUKE 709, FLUKE 709H, FLUKE 715, FLUKE 771, FLUKE 772, FLUKE 773, FLUKE 787 (787B), FLUKE 789 .

Manual pressure calibrators.
FLUKE offers a range of manual pressure calibrators that are versatile, easy to use and provide outstanding performance. They are compact, lightweight, easy to carry, battery powered and compatible with FLUKE 750P pressure modules. These instruments also allow the calibration of pressure sensors and pressure/current converters (P/I).
Models: FLUKE 717, FLUKE 718, FLUKE 719, FLUKE 719Pro-150G, FLUKE 719Pro-300G, FLUKE 721 .

Cargo piston pressure gauges.
Cargo piston pressure gauges are calibration standards that use the principle of pressure balance to calibrate pressure measuring instruments. Piston-type pressure gauges use calibrated loads to supply a known pressure to the device being tested, representing a simple and cost-effective solution covering a wide range of pressure calibrations.
Models: P3100, P3200, P3800, P3000, E-DWT 6531 and 6532.

Precision digital pressure gauges.
Precision digital pressure gauges are used to test and calibrate pressure measuring instruments. They are economical, easy to use, have exceptional accuracy and cover a wide range of pressure ranges.
Models: FLUKE 700G, FLUKE 2700G.

Manual calibration pumps.
Calibration pumps are used to test and calibrate pressure measuring instruments. Manual calibration pumps with an exemplary pressure gauge minimize the cost and complexity of the pressure calibration process. FLUKE devices provide exceptional quality in pneumatic, hydraulic, bench systems or in the field.
Models: FLUKE 700HTPK, FLUKE 700PTPK, P5510, P5513, P5514, P5515.

Digital pressure calibrators.
Digital pressure calibrators provide a high degree of accuracy without the need for cargo handling, and in some cases exclude the use of hand pumps to generate pressure. Some of them also allow measuring pressure switches, outputs of 4-20 mA pressure sensors and P/I devices.
Models: FLUKE 3130 , P5510-2700G, P5513-2700G, P5514-2700G, P5515-2700G, E-DWT 6531 and 6532.

Manual temperature calibrators.
FLUKE offers a range of manual temperature calibrators that are versatile, easy to use and provide outstanding performance. They are compact, lightweight, easy to carry and are powered by batteries. These instruments simulate the output of temperature sensors, such as resistance thermometers and thermocouples, to calibrate devices that display the temperature of the sensor. To calibrate temperature sensors, it is recommended to use a dry-block calibrator or a temperature-controlled bath.
Models: FLUKE 712, 714, 712B RTD, FLUKE 714B, FLUKE 724 .

Dry-block calibrators and microvannas.
Dry-block calibrators and microvannes are precision temperature sources that provide a stable and uniform temperature of the medium for calibration of temperature sensors, thermometers and thermal switches.
Models: 9170 Series Dry-block Calibrators, Micro-Bath Thermometer Calibrators 6102/7102/7103, Thermocouple Furnace 9150, Field Dry-block Calibrators 9103/9140/9141, Field Dry-block Thermostats 9142/9143/9144, Industrial thermometer Calibrator with two units 9009, Manual dry-block Calibrators 9100S/9102S, Dry-block calibrators for super-cold zone 9190A-X/9190A-X-P.

Precision digital thermometers.
Industrial temperature sensors are usually calibrated by placing them in a stable temperature source (dry block, furnace, calibration bath) and comparing their results with a reference standard probe connected to a precision digital thermometer. These can be multi-channel, portable or bench thermometers.
Models: temperature sensors 1502A/1504, thermometer 1551A Ex and 1552A Ex, reference thermometers 1523/1524 and 1529 Chub-E4.

Infrared calibrators.
Infrared calibrators and temperature sources used to calibrate infrared thermometers. These calibrators are sometimes called blackbody calibrators because of their high heat transfer. The best results are achieved with a target that is radiometrically calibrated and has a large surface area.
Models: FLUKE 9132/9133, FLUKE 4180/81.

Hygrothermometer with data logging.
In laboratories and other temperature and humidity controlled environments, these conditions need to be accurately measured and recorded. The company's FLUKE temperature and humidity monitoring equipment has earned recognition for its best-in-class accuracy, hot-swappable sensors, large digital displays, integration with MET/TEAM and MET/CAL software, support for LAN and wireless connections, and client-server software for data logging.
Models: FLUKE 1620A.

Pressure modules of the FLUKE 750R series.
The pressure modules of the 750P series are ideal for measuring excess, differential and absolute pressure using recording calibrators FLUKE 750 and 740 and multifunctional industrial calibrators FLUKE 725 and 726.



All FLUKE products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant FLUKE: electrical measuring devices, electrical installation testers, current measuring pliers, thermal imagers, thermometers, calibrators, portable oscillographs, laser levelers and rangefinders, digital multimeters, IR windows, resistance and grounding meters, power quality analyzers
  • Wireless communication systems FLUKE
    Wireless communication systems
    Fluke Connect, etc.
  • Electrical Testers FLUKE
    Electrical Testers
    Fluke 114, 1AC-II, 2042, 9040, etc.
  • Digital multimeters FLUKE
    Digital multimeters
    Fluke 17B, 279, 1587/1577, 280, etc.
  • Current measuring tongs FLUKE
    Current measuring tongs
    Fluke 323, 355, 772, 116/323, etc.
  • Electrical installation testers FLUKE
    Electrical installation testers
    FLUKE 1662, 1663, 1664 FC , etc .
  • Thermometers FLUKE
    Fluke 59, VT04, 50 II, FoodPro, etc.
  • Electricity Analyzers FLUKE
    Electricity Analyzers
    Fluke 345, 437, VR1710, 1730, etc.
  • Wireless meters FLUKE
    Wireless meters
    Fluke CNX 3000, i3000 iFlex, etc.
  • Vibration and centering FLUKE
    Vibration and centering
    Fluke 805, 810, 820-2, 830, etc.
  • Thermal imagers FLUKE
    Thermal imagers
    Fluke TiS10, Ti480, TiX500, etc.
  • Ex Products FLUKE
    Ex Products
    Fluke 568 Ex, 28 II Ex, 721Ex, etc.
  • Devices for ventilation FLUKE
    Devices for ventilation
    Fluke 922, 561, CO-220, PV350, etc.
  • Portable oscilloscopes FLUKE
    Portable oscilloscopes
    Fluke ScopeMeter 125, 128, 190, etc.
  • Grounding meters FLUKE
    Grounding meters
    Fluke 1621, 1625-2 GEO, 1630, etc.
  • Resistance meters FLUKE
    Resistance meters
    Fluke 1507/1503, 1587/1577, etc.
  • IR windows FLUKE
    IR windows
    Fluke CV200, CV400, CLKT, etc.
  • Process calibrators FLUKE
    Process calibrators
    Fluke 712B, 705, 753, 717, 700G, etc.
  • Laser rangefinders FLUKE
    Laser rangefinders
    Fluke 414D, 419D, 424D, etc.
  • Laser levels FLUKE
    Laser levels
    Fluke 180LR, 180LG, 3PR, LDR, etc.
  • Accessories FLUKE
    cables, sensors, terminals, etc.
  • Software FLUKE
    FlukeView, DMS Software, etc.
  • Discontinued FLUKE
    Fluke Ti125, Ti105, TiR125, etc.


FLUKE CORPORATION (USA) is a world leader in the manufacture, sale and service of electronic measuring instruments and related software.

    FLUKE takes the first or second place in all segments of the market of unique technologies for testing and troubleshooting.
  • reliability

    FLUKE devices ensure uninterrupted production around the world in various industries: from industrial installations to precision measurements and quality control.

    FLUKE brand products have a reputation for compact, reliable, safe, easy to operate and high-quality equipment.

Information Board FLUKE

Learn more about our products FLUKE.
  • Price list for завода FLUKE equipment
    Price list for FLUKE equipment
  • FLUKE Equipment Catalog из каталога FLUKE
    FLUKE Equipment Catalog


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